Thursday, September 3, 2009

Beautiful Days

空中闪耀的瞬间光辉 划过繁星
渗入夜空 美丽得令人悲伤对吧
Shining brightly in the sky, the stars zonate and disappear.
So beautiful that they cause sadness.

想说给你听的话 这些那些的还有一堆
紧紧握住 紧紧抱住就这样让它满是皱纹吧
Although I want to hear about those stories,
I grasp and hold them tightly until they crumpled.

据说向星星许愿的话 总有一天会实现
不过我们除了在梦中 却永远不能相见
Although they say wish upon a star and it will come true,
we can only see eternity in our dreams.

空中闪耀的瞬间光辉 划过繁星 渗入夜空
在归途中 我一直无法抑制泪水
在夜空中回忆闪现 眼泪夺眶
心碎不已 美丽得令人悲伤对吧
Shining brightly in the sky, the stars
zonate and disappear.
I can't stop my tears all the way home.
Memories are showered in the sky, tears are slowly overflowing.
So beautiful that they cause sadness.

不能互相分享喜悦 更加令人难过吧
Not able to share happiness is harder than
sharing sadness to lessen the tears, right?

在我眼底映出的 你那自然流露的笑容
即使现在也仍能给我勇气哦 想再次见你
When I close my eyes, I can see your overflowing laughter
which keep on giving me courage. I want to see you again.

向着天空歌唱吧是的歌唱吧 穷尽声音
不可思议吧 我一直都不是一个人向着天空挥手吧
挥动这手吧 用尽全力
I'll sing towards the sky, until to the extend of my voice.
It's strange that I'm always not alone.
I'll wave my hands toward the sky, I'll wave my hands with all my strength.
That's our sign.

快乐也好 悲伤也好
我们已不能再次相见 无论怎样祈愿
Even it's fun, even it's painful.
We can't see each other anymore no matter how much we wish to.



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